Slag Rock 57’s

$65.00/Per Cubic Yard

This material is the size of a quarter and gray in color. Slag rock is a great product to use for driveways and parking pads for boats or utility vehicles. This product is not recommended for drainage areas. Additionally, many homeowners in the Lowcountry utilize slag for under raised porches and sheds. 

Coverage Calculator

Our coverage calculator can help assist in estimating the cost of your next landscaping project. Just put in your dimensions and the calculator can give you a rough estimate on how much of our product you will need for your project. You can always call our office if you are not sure how much to order. It’s better to let us help you then to guess on product amounts. 

*Prices may vary. Prices are estimations and are not accurate to real costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best time to mulch entire beds or borders is in early spring. This will trap moisture from wet weather and ensure beds don’t dry out quickly in the heat of summer. Mulch reduces soil temperature as much as 10 degrees — enough to make a difference between supporting or killing tiny feeder roots near the surface.

  • Mulching has many benefits. It can provide nutrients for plants, lock in moisture, form a barrier against weeds and help insulate the roots of vulnerable plants from summer heat.
  • Mulches can also be used for decorating the tops of pots and planters.
  • Apply mulch 2″ to 5″ deep – after clearing grass and weeds and cultivating the soil.
  • Mulch applied around your trees each year reduces water stress, weeds, and damage to trees.
  • Mulch every year as part of your yard maintenance plan for good plant and yard health.
  • Combine mulching with time-tested techniques like core aeration and proper fertilization to keep your lawn healthy and happy for years

We recommend using ROC as your base, then adding a ½ inch layer of either granite sand or masonry sand as a leveling device. This will make it easier to get the pavers to lie level. Once the pavers are in, sweep the remainder of your granite sand or masonry sand into the cracks to lock them in place. 

We recommend using one of our granite rock products or if you really want to make your neighbors jealous, the mini slate chips. Either product will look great on the driveway or parking pad area. Spread it about 1.5 inches on top of an existing driveway for a fresh new look. 

When switching to mulch you can do an easy conversion. Normally, 2 rolls of pine straw equal out to one yard of mulch. If you are unsure about how much to order please just call our office and our staff can help you figure out the right amount to order.

If you are looking to top dress your lawn, we recommend using Garden Organics. Its rich compost will help nutrify the soil and help green up your yard. If you have ruts or holes in your yard we also recommend utilizing some fill dirt. Our sandy fill dirt will pack nicely and allow grass to grow through it.

No, but we sell the materials (topsoil and compost) that you’ll want to put under your new sod!

You can measure the length and width of your beds, then enter those measurements into our online calculator with the depth of mulch (we recommend 3”) to determine the number of cubic yards that you’ll need. Please make sure that you enter each bed individually.